A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.”

A revolution has been happening.  Women are taking the helm of their own careers and creating smart work, life, balance choices – and they are being very successful at doing it!  It was a far different story 20 years ago.  A lot of times, we as women may be held back in taking the next big step.  I decided this year to take a leap of faith and it has been the best decision I have ever made.

Make up your own rules. Be confident and accept that you can be enjoying success. What makes you happy? What really counts for you? Who are you doing this for?  Just have a go and do it!

Surround yourself with positivity. Having a supportive environment is crucial—it is more difficult doing it all alone. You will find so many opportunities to network with like-minded powerful women.  There are opportunities to connect with many business groups. Another key valuable and inspiring support you gain is from having a mentor. 

Sometimes our families may come across a little less enthusiastic about our dreams and this may be difficult.  Keep in mind that they love you and they only want the best for you and want to protect you.  Keep positive - they’ll come around. But in the meanwhile, connect with people who can see the possibilities and set you free.

Your gut is a good instrument to trust.  What is your gut saying - “Do I feel more energised or less after being with Jo Sly?”

Don’t forget your life. First, create a cushion! Take the time to determine how much you are willing to invest. Ask yourself how long you can go without income, and how much you need to feel safe. Next, make sure you prioritise doing nice things for yourself. Entrepreneurs or Solopreneurs tend to forget about their lives. Don’t make it complicated—it can be as easy as not eating in front of your computer, taking time out to be with friends or simply taking a walk and appreciating your surroundings. Do whatever it is that nurtures you.

Keep a Journal during your Start-up Phase and beyond.

Your headspace is going to be consumed and bombarded with big ideas and dreams.  You will go to bed with thoughts, be kept up during the night with thoughts, and wake up in the morning with thoughts and be filled with thoughts all through the day.  Keeping a journal with you at all times is such a valuable tool. 

Getting your thoughts out onto paper or electronically will mean you won’t forget that idea.  It may seem crazy at the time, but be assured, you will go back to it months or even years later when it is the right time for that idea to make an entrance and have its time. 

Don’t rush

So you have made the huge decision to resign from your job and give business a go for yourself.  Don’t rush!  Review your finances, insurances, upcoming holiday commitments, family situation and….. breath….. be thoughtful…..  and then enjoy your transition.....